Google+ Haband: We Know It’s Been Awhile….

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

We Know It’s Been Awhile….

I know it’s been quite some time since we’ve posted here on the ol’ Haband Blog, but there’s a good reason: We’ve kind of had our hands full getting ready to relocate our corporate offices! That’s right, we’re moving! But don’t worry — the only thing that’s going to change is our mailing address (well, that and the much better view!). Rest assured you can count on us to get up and running in our new digs as quickly as possible to make sure there’s not a moment’s delay in offering you the Biggest & Best Values in America! And there couldn’t be a better time to make a fresh start, because Spring is quickly approaching. That’s traditionally our busiest time of the entire year and 2013 looks like it won’t be any exception — we can’t wait to show you all the new men’s and ladies’ styles we’ve got in store for you in the very near future. In fact, how about a sneak peak at a few of them right here, right now? Check it out!


مسوق الكتروني said...

3- التخلص من مصادر الطعام: يمكن التخلص من مصادر الطعام المتاحة للنمل الأسود في المنزل، وذلك بتخزين الطعام في حاويات محكمة الإغلاق وتنظيف المناطق المشبعة بالطعام.

4- تغيير البيئة: يمكن تغيير بيئة المنزل للحد من تكاثر النمل الأسود، وذلك بتنظيف المنزل بشكل دوري وإصلاح الثقوب والشقوق في الجدران والأرضيات.
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